Browser Support
site was designed to work with the majority
of the web browsers that have been released
to the marketplace in the last three years.
This site uses Javascript for the navigation
menus and some pop-up boxes for regulatory information
and the glossary of terms. Security add-ons
to browers which restrict pop-up windows may
reduce the functionality of this site. In most
cases, there is an alternative path to the same
information. This site has been tested with
Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator and Opera
Throughout our site, you will find that selecting
Home will always return you to the main Home
page. The Home link is alway on the upper left
section of your screen. From pages deeper into
the website, home as well as the navigational
path are displayed as an electronic bread crumb
trail which will allow you to back up through
the site.
Content navigation through the site can be performed
via several menus. At the bottom of each screen
is a footer menu which will contain links covering
the policies and help systems of the site. The
header menu located at the top of each page
allows you to quickly access the most popular
information contained on the website. Finally
detailed navigational menus are provied on the
left-hand side of each screen.
you can return to the page you previously visited
by pressing your browser's Back Button.
Doctor Query
Doctor Query box at the top of the header
menu provides a quick means to locate information
regarding a licensee of the Arizona Medical
Board. In this field you may type in the following