Guidelines For Delegating Limited Authority to the Executive Director to Grant Uncontested Requests for Reactivation of License

The Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258

1. Title of the guidance document or subject of the substantive policy statement and the guidance document number or substantive policy statement number by which the document or policy statement is referenced:

Guidelines for Delegating Limited Authority to the Executive Director to Grant Uncontested Requests for Reactivation of License (SPS #19)

2. Date of the application of the guidance documents or the date the substantive policy statement was issued and the effective date of the document or policy statement if different from the publication or issuance date:

Adopted by the Board April 27, 2001, Originally Published March 15, 2001.

3. Summary of the contents of the guidance document or the substantive policy statement:

Guidelines for determining when the Executive Director may grant uncontested requests for reactivation of license.

4. A statement as to whether the guidance document or substantive policy statement is a new document or statement or a revision:

New Statement

5. The name, address and telephone number of the person to whom questions and comments about the guidance document or substantive policy statement may be directed:

Deputy Director
Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
9545 East Doubletree Ranch Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85258
(480) 551-2700

6. Information about where a person may obtain a copy of the guidance document or the substantive policy statement and the costs for obtaining the document or policy statement:

Available from the Board of Medical Examiners,
Twenty-five cents per page copying cost.

Guidelines for Delegating Limited Authority to the Executive Director to Grant Uncontested Requests for Reactivation of License


A.R.S. §32-1431(D)…may convert an inactive license to an active license.


The Executive Director may grant uncontested requests for reactivation of a medical license when:

1. The applicant pays the renewal fee and

2. Presents satisfactory evidence to the Executive Director that the applicant possesses the medical knowledge and

3. Is physically and mentally able to safely engage in the practice of medicine.

The Executive Director may require any combination of physical examination, psychiatric or psychological evaluation or successful passage of the special purpose licensing examination or any interviews found necessary to assist in determining the ability of the physician holding an inactive license to return to the active practice of medicine.

The term uncontested signifies that the physician had no open investigations prior to inactivation and was not on probation or practice restriction at the time of inactivation. Applicants who fall into this category will be referred to the Board for consideration for reactivation.

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Originally Published Summer 1990, Revised June 2000.