Highlights from the September 6, 2000 Meeting of the Joint Board on the Regulation of Physician Assistants 

Welcome to the premiere issue of the Joint Board Highlights, a synopsis of events at each Joint Board Meeting

Summary of Joint Board Actions

During its September 6, 2000 meeting, the Board voted to issue:

       One License Denial
      Two Letters of Concern
      Refer two cases to Formal Hearing


Joint Board Membership/Election of Officers

Dr. Fredrick Schwartz resigned from the Joint Board due to time constraints. Dr. Barry Weiss was nominated for the BOMEX appointment to the Joint Board to replace the vacancy left by Dr. Walter Sosey. Dr. Sosey's term expired on June 30, 2000

Election of officers will take place at the November 15, 2000 meeting.

Planning Session

The Joint discussed the following goals for the future:

- Develop and sustain an environment of continuous education and learning.
- Review all statutes, rules and substantive policy statements as to relevance and appropriateness.
- Ensure information based on open communication with Stakeholders.
- Stay connected between Board meetings.
- Provide a regulatory process for timely and appropriate licensing and adjudication of complaints against licensees.

Year 2000 - 2001 Joint Board Calendar
The following are the dates for the year 2000 and 2001 meetings and events:

Regular Meetings
November 15, 2000
February 28, 2001
August 29, 2001
November 14, 2001
Next Joint Board Meeting
The next Full Board meeting will take place November 15, 2000, at the Board of Medical Examiners' Offices: 1651 E. Morten Avenue, Suite 210, Phoenix, Arizona 85020. 

Take 16th Street, one-half mile north of Glendale, immediately across from  The Pointe Resort.