At A Glance: |
Highlights from the November 17-19, 1999 Meeting
BOMEX received a favorable report at the November 10, 1999 JLAC meeting. The Auditor General reported the three areas in which BOMEX has improved significantly are: higher quality investigations and the implementation of uniform investigation procedures, installation of a monitoring program for disciplined doctors, and the elimination of Board member vacancies. The JLAC was supportive of hiring three new investigators to help reduce the backlog of investigations. The Legislative Committee meeting garnered praise for the Board and its staff for not only addressing Legislative concerns and for making significant progress toward complying with the audit findings, but also for exceeding expectations for improvement. Board Approves Medical Assistant Rules: The Board reviewed and approved the final rules concerning medical assistants. The use of medical assistants has increased significantly in recent years resulting in a need to formulate rules regarding standardized training requirements. Formulating and finalizing the rules involved a full year of intensive work. The rules set forth training requirements and establish the parameters of accepted safe practice for medical assistants working under the direct supervision of an allopathic physician or physician assistant. Legislative Update:
Board votes to Change April 2000 April Board Meeting rescheduled from 4/12/2000-4/14/2000 to 4/26/2000-4/28/2000. Board to Continue Mediation Program: After completing a six-month trial period of mediation of non-quality of care cases with the Attorney General’s Mediation Unit, the Board voted to continue the Mediation Program. The Board requested that staff explore the possibility of utilizing private mediation. The Board adopted the Formal Interview Process Committee’s recommendations for processing complex cases. In order to better serve the complainant and the physician, the Board may now refer complex complaint investigations to the Office of Administrative Hearings. This process provides a more equitable forum for both parties to present their concerns, to cross-examine witnesses, to subpoena witnesses to appear, and to present evidence for consideration in those cases where such actions would greatly enhance the Board’s ability to reach an appropriate discipline. The Board moved to support the Arizona Pharmacy Association’s Sunrise Application for Expanded Scope of Practice for Pharmacists. The expanded scope of practice will allow pharmacists to modify, initiate and monitor patients’ drug therapy under physician-approved guidelines and protocols. Board Actions: A Summary During its November 17-19 meeting, the Board voted to issue:
one Suspension; three Decrees of Censure; five Letters of Reprimand; and two Probationary Orders. The Board directed staff to prepare three orders for disciplinary
The following are the dates for the 2000 meetings: February 2 - 4 |
Full Board Meeting
The next Full Board meeting will take place December 9, 1999, at the Board of Dental Examiners' Offices: 5060 N. 19th Avenue, Suite 406, Phoenix, AZ 85015. |