Arizona Board Board of Medical Examiners

Highlights from the
February 2-4, 2000 Meeting

Protecting the Public's Health
Arizona Board of Medical Examiners
1651 East Morten Avenue, Suite 210
Phoenix, Arizona 85020   602-255-3751
(Toll Free Within Arizona: 877-255-2212)

Post-Licensure Assessment System

The Board discussed the feasibility of adopting a Post-Licensure Assessment System (PLAS) as a condition of probation in certain types of cases. PLAS is a joint project of the Federation of State Medical Boards and National Board of Medical Examiners. It is used to profile a physician’s clinical performance and assess competency to practice medicine.

The PLAS system utilizes computer based multiple-choice questions, computer based patient simulations, standardized patients, structured oral examinations, chart simulated recall interviews and other established methods of evaluation. The Board requested a presentation by the Federation of State Medical Boards before making a final decision.

Policy on Dismissal Recommendations

During the May 1999 meeting, the Board voted to implement a six-month trial period where cases unanimously recommended by staff for dismissal would not be submitted to the lead Board member for review. The Board voted to permanently adopt this policy.

All cases are thoroughly evaluated for a recommendation by the assigned investigator, medical consultant, enforcement administrator, assistant director and director and then forwarded to the full board for final review and action.

Legislative Update

The Board voted to support HB 2145 BOMEX Licensure and HB 2149 BOMEX Fees as amended..

HB 2145 contains several provisions that ensure a higher level of consumer protection. Specifically, HB 2145 increases public protection by:

  • Strengthening the Board’s authority to discipline licensees who prescribe medication without first conducting a physical examination and diagnosis or establishing a doctor-patient relationship.
  • Establishing a standard for medical record retention.
  • Adjusting Board membership to increase public member representation.
  • Establishing a probationary license for new licensees.
  • Allowing physicians who are licensed in other states and who provide limited care at no cost to the patient or the patient’s family through a charitable organization to obtain a pro bono registration.
  • Authorizing the Board to order physicians to participate in rehabilitative, retraining or assessment programs.

HB 2149 streamlines application, licensing, and public information fees.

Medical Assistants: Use of Small Volume Nebulizers- The Board approved a motion to open a docket to support the use of small volume nebulizers by medical assistants.

For the full text of HB 2145 or HB 2149, visit

Summary of Board Actions

During its February 2-4 meeting, the Board voted to issue:

The Board directed staff to prepare five orders for disciplinary action.

Year 2000 Meeting Dates

March 8
April 26-28
June 21-23
August 23-25
October 25-27
December 13-15

Next Full Board Meeting

The next Full Board meeting will take place March 8, 2000, at the Board of Medical Examiners' Office: 1651 E. Morten Avenue, Suite 210, Phoenix, Arizona 85020.

Take 16th Street, one-half mile north of Glendale, immediately across from The Pointe Resort.

An online map is also available.

Maps by Travel